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** Our World **: May 2005

** Our World **

Hey!! This is Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, and Leslie. Ummm this is just our new lil space. Read. Enjoy. But if u dont like it, dont blame us, cuz this is OUR blog, remember??

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

What Is Love?

i will second the toast to summer!!! :)
and just WOW to everything. heeheehee i love it all so much. and traveling pants tomorrow!!!!! woooohooooo. gosh i remember back in december when i spent like 3 hours online trying to find a glimpse of what the movie could be like. and we're going to see it tomorrow!! it doesnt seem real.

but im done for now, and i just want to post this adorable forward that i got(received?) the title is: "What Is Love?" (and the format of it is going to be really messed up, but im too lazy to fix it. so have fun.)

What does Love mean? A group of professional people posed thisquestion to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What doeslove mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeperthan anyone could have imagined. See what you think: "When my grandmother got arthritis, shecouldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all thetime, even when his hands got arthritis too. That'slove." Rebecca- age 8 "When someone loves you, the way they say yourname is different. You just know that your name is safe in theirmouth." Billy - age 4 "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boyputs on shaving cologne and they go out and smell eachother." Karl - age 5 "Love is when you go out to eat and givesomebody most of your French fries without making themgive you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6 "Love is what makes you smile when you'retired." Terri - age 4 "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for mydaddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, tomake sure the taste is OK." Danny - age 7 "Love is when you kiss all the time. Then whenyou get tired of kissing, you still want to betogether and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They lookgross when they kiss" Emily - age 8 "Love is what's in the room with you atChristmas if you stop opening presents and listen." Bobby - age 7 (Wow!) "If you want to learn to love better, youshould start with a friend who you hate," Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on thisplanet) "Love is when you tell a guy you like hisshirt, then he wears it everyday." Noelle - age 7 "Love is like a little old woman and a littleold man who are still friends even after they knoweach other so well." Tommy - age 6 "During my piano recital, I was on a stage andI was scared. I looked at all the people watching meand saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn'tscared anymore." Cindy - age 8 "My mommy loves me more than anybody . You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleepat night." Clare - age 6 "Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best pieceof chicken." Elaine-age 5 "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly andsweaty and still says he is handsomer than RobertRedford." Chris - age 7 "Love is when your puppy licks your face evenafter you left him alone all day." Mary Ann - age 4 "I know my older sister loves me because shegives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buynew ones." Lauren - age 4 "When you love somebody, your eyelashes go upand down and little stars come out of you." (what animage) Karen - age 7 "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toiletand she doesn't think it's gross." Mark - age 6 "You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unlessyou mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it alot. People forget." Jessica - age 8



Three cheers for the fact that cheerleading doesn't start until next week! Hehe. Ironic.
Yesterday was a mix of feelings. I was sad for most of the day because I had super detailed plans, and then it all kind of got messed up and I didn't get to do them. Joe came over later, though, and wow...the power he has to make me feel better, even when I'm super grumpy...*SMILES*
And it takes us forever to say good-bye. How many times did you come back? About eight? Yeah, eight.
Ahead for today. Joe. Girl's night after Sarah's done working. (I'll pick up the Kitkats and Goldfish guys) And, of course...tomorrow, SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS. Isn't it weird that we've been waiting for it for so long, and its finally here? I'm soooo excited.
I propose a toast to this wonderful, crazy, whirlwhind summer.
Here here!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

cheerleading? nah, i'll pass.

Look Mom, It's Luca Brasi!

Ahh The Godfather marathon....I, II, and a row....yeah stamina.
Raisinets make it all worthwhile.
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, WEDNESDAY...
Too bad cheerleading practice comes first, Tuesday morning. Right? I think that's when it starts...?
Summer is magical.

ahh behold the power of summer

WOW. thats really all i can say. and i just found this in amy's profile, and i am in love with it. >>

Find the guy who calls you beautiful, instead of hot. Who calls you back when you hang up on him. Who will lie under the stars & listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, & wants to show you off to the world when you're in sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who thinks you're the prettiest when you have no makeup on & insists on holding you around the waist. The one who is reminding you how much he cares & how lucky he is to have you. The one who turns to his friends and says that's her.

ahhh i love that. i've always thought those things were corny, and they still are...but its even more fun when they're true. wow im annoying. ok peace out kids. haha im a nerd.


ps. remind me to tell you about saturday night.


This lovely summer is already unforgettable.
Already: "little kid day" (old pictures, bubbles, baseball), Star Wars marathon, sleeping, backyard camping, calculus, Shogun
Today: shopping, finding the best picture frame ever for our two trees, Greek festival, Shakespeare in the Park ("The Tempest")
The Future: drive-in, zoo, Six Flags, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, girl's night, that one water park, Gilmore marathon, "Stay clean" day, Muny, 3 more surprises!, horseback riding, picnics, our fancy dinner day, barbecue, graduation parties, jumping in the pool with our clothes on, more calculus, HARVARD, Joe visiting me, and sooooo much more that I don't remember
This summer is amazing...Sarah is right. This time in my life, too, is wonderful.
Yeah summer. *smiles*

Saturday, May 28, 2005

natalie i am so so so so so happy for you! i know you're going to have an amazing time. im gonna miss u sooo much!

as for me, well i will be spending my summer right here in ofallon, and believe you me, that sounds great right now. things are so wonderful, im so happy. i have everything i could ever have imagined having. it is simply wonderful. i was reading all my old blogs the other day, and i cannot believe how much has changed. reading that makes me seem like a stupid little brat hung up on crazy stuff. i wish i would have had a better view on things, because i could have made my life so much more pleasant. but i wasnt happy, and i guess there's nothing i can do about that now. i just wish i woulda slapped some sense into me. but whatever, its a good thing, i suppose. because it just reinforces the idea that you can't appreciate the good times without living through the bad. so yeah to that. i am living proof of it. but i definately have a much better perspective of things right now, and i just want to smile and let it go. and smiling is wonderful, let me tell ya. everything is soo beautiful, from the weather, to my mood, to just everything! and im sure this is gonna be really annoying to read in a month or so when i come back to re-read it, but whatever, i dont care, cuz this blog is for what's happening in my life, right? and, well, that's what's happening in my life, so there!


Friday, May 27, 2005

An Explanation

Okay, so, Harvard? Me? Going there for their summer term to take classes with all the brilliant Harvard students? Yes, that's correct. This is the thing I've been hinting at for so long, and I am completely, 100% going crazy, I'm so amazingly excited. I mean, I know it's probably not anyone else's dream to spend their summer at school, but come's Harvard...and I got accepted...
Forgive me for being so excited...oh wait, I don't need forgiveness because it's totally justified...if anyone sees me randomly dancing down the street or singing at the top of my lungs some sort of made up song that goes "Harvard, HARvard, harVARD..." then I suppose it would be ok if you just ignored me. But there is nothing that could ruin this...I am too happy. And I think that Joe's going to come and visit me in Massachusetts. And it will still be a summer for me...bookstores and beaches and I am so excited. Believe me! Orientation starts June I've got it's time to focus on making the part of summer that I have here the best summer yet. It's already shaping up to be that way. *smiles*
And when I'm at Harvard, I'll write everything in this blog, I promise. And my cell phone will work while I'm there :-D But I promise...from using the campus laundry room to wandering through the BIGGEST LIBRARY IN THE COUNTRY, everything will be recorded here.
Excuse me. I'm going to go scream some more.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Step with great care and great tact and remember that

Life's a Great Balancing Act

-Dr. Seuss

PS. i am so so so so so so so proud of you natalie! i love you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'm going to HARVARD!!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Friday the 13th

i just realized last friday was friday the 13th. and we missed it. again. oops.
it's hard to slow it down when it feels so right. knees buckled, white-knuckled. we're holdin' on so tight. we're travelin' at twice the speed of life... [sugarland]

Sunday, May 22, 2005


you have no idea how excited i am that this blog is back in business. ive missed it so much. and ive missed talking to natalie and lindsay through it. i really hope it regains all the momentum it had pre-everythingthathappened. i dont know what to call it, so there it is. so much is new and exciting since the last time i blogged. all i can say is WOW and smile so big. but i must go because once again walgreens calls...death to it. only 3 more shifts and i am done. but afterwards i shall trek to lindsay's and go camping in her back yard. yay to camping. i love you all!!!! -sarah

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Summer Begins

So, summer. I've spent weeks looking forward to it, and it has fallen in my lap and I feel almost as if I don't know what to do. There are plans...oh, there are so many plans...and I am excited about what lays ahead, but right now, I've enjoyed the idea that there is nothing that I specifically have to do. No real obligations, no ties. The prospects of summer...are amazing...and there is so much to look forward to. We all have hopes for this summer...I hope that it lives up to our expectations.
I washed my car looks so pretty...and for those of you who know my car like I do, you know that I'm saying something when I tell you that it's completely spotless. I also went to Borders to stock up on books that I've been dying to read but haven't had time to during the school year. I picked up a copy of the new SAT guidebook...and a guidebook for the SAT II Math IC test. I'll probably be taking those in September. Just filling up the days before I find out something that I've been waiting to hear about for a long while. I hope it all works out. I hope that Lindsay and Sarah start blogging again soon, too. Wouldn't want the beloved blog to fall into another coma. I hope that we can prevent that from happening. to look at some stuff, I promise to keep blogging.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

It's Almost Over and It's Almost Beginning

One more day...that's right, one...and I will be a free girl. Free from school, I mean. And I've got to say, it is about time. Looking back over the year, I should say that it's been a bizarre one, a mixture of pain and wonderfulness that it would be hard to find anywhere else. Overall I am pleased with the way my life is going...I have great friends, and wonderful boyfriend, and so many possibilities...I cannot complain. Summer, however, is very welcome.
I'm glad that the blog is waking up. When I used to blog everyday, I felt so connected to everyone...Lindsay...Sarah...other people who blog faithfully because it's something that matters. The blog brought us closer, and because we don't get to see each other often at school (Sarah and I have no classes or anything together) the blog was a place to catch up. I declare it to be so once again. Hopefully the coming year will provide as much, well, excitement as this one has. To the Blog! (lifts glass into the air) And to my friends.
Well, off to study for my exams...only two left...French and History...mmm. Just one more day and I'm free!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Slowly Beginning to Wake's been awhile, that's for sure. I'm thinking that this dear blog has had enough of its banishment, enough of its so-called "coma." Summer is almost here, and with it, hopefully, comes time for a fun part of life that we miss so much during the school year. I, myself, cannot wait for the dreaded exams of the next few days to end, and to find myself holding a large envelope filled with information and a cover letter stating, "Congratulations!" But more about that later. I just wanted to say hello, and formally, "I'm back!"
Oh, and if old friends want to start the whole anonymously posting idiotic comments, well...don't. The world has enough jerks.