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** Our World **: An Explanation

** Our World **

Hey!! This is Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, and Leslie. Ummm this is just our new lil space. Read. Enjoy. But if u dont like it, dont blame us, cuz this is OUR blog, remember??

Friday, May 27, 2005

An Explanation

Okay, so, Harvard? Me? Going there for their summer term to take classes with all the brilliant Harvard students? Yes, that's correct. This is the thing I've been hinting at for so long, and I am completely, 100% going crazy, I'm so amazingly excited. I mean, I know it's probably not anyone else's dream to spend their summer at school, but come's Harvard...and I got accepted...
Forgive me for being so excited...oh wait, I don't need forgiveness because it's totally justified...if anyone sees me randomly dancing down the street or singing at the top of my lungs some sort of made up song that goes "Harvard, HARvard, harVARD..." then I suppose it would be ok if you just ignored me. But there is nothing that could ruin this...I am too happy. And I think that Joe's going to come and visit me in Massachusetts. And it will still be a summer for me...bookstores and beaches and I am so excited. Believe me! Orientation starts June I've got it's time to focus on making the part of summer that I have here the best summer yet. It's already shaping up to be that way. *smiles*
And when I'm at Harvard, I'll write everything in this blog, I promise. And my cell phone will work while I'm there :-D But I promise...from using the campus laundry room to wandering through the BIGGEST LIBRARY IN THE COUNTRY, everything will be recorded here.
Excuse me. I'm going to go scream some more.


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