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** Our World **: Back Again...Sorry...

** Our World **

Hey!! This is Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, and Leslie. Ummm this is just our new lil space. Read. Enjoy. But if u dont like it, dont blame us, cuz this is OUR blog, remember??

Monday, August 23, 2004

Back Again...Sorry...

Ok, so, this is my second entry of the day...sorry...but I've been reading emails from Bridget on a certain topic and writing them to her for so long that I feel that my opinions must be shared. I would really like some feedback. It's about modesty...yes that wonderful argument that I always manage to get into with Fr. Larry. Here are a few excerpts from my emails.
People have various explanations about what immodesty really is, and why it's "dangerous" to the female image. The pastor at my church, Fr. Larry, is convinced that immodesty endangers women, and that when women dress a certain way, men see them as "easy" and therefore treat them a certain way. I personally had to disagree with him from experience because no matter what I wear, be it sweatpants or short shorts, guys come nowhere near me because they are scared of me. The boys that do come near me, too, have never treated me with anything less than utmost respect in that area. And it's not like I have never worn spaghetti strapped tops or, heck, even low cut tops. Fr. Larry also went so far as to say that he knows that a majority of women dress to attract men.I finished only by saying that the women that I know that are into fashion choose their clothes because they like them. And lots of girls dress to get compliments from other girls because, well, all girls like to be admired by people that they know aren't hitting on them. So, I believe that immodesty rests not in the clothes being worn, but in the attitude set forth by the wearer.
Ok so I'm a nerd to even care. But honestly, I need some feedback. Am I right, or totally off base? Talk to me people.


  • At 11:40 PM, Blogger Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, Leslie said…

    yes, i think you are right in saying that its the attitude behind the clothes, not necessarily the clothes themselves. also, though, i think that sometimes women DO dress to attract the opposite sex, whether it be for a confidence boost or whatever else. and i have to disagree with Fr. Larry when he says that it endagers women and men are completely at fault, because a woman can control what she wears. we arent stupid, we know what guys like to see and what might not get as much attention. so therefore, if someone is dumb enough to wear a lowcut strappy top and a miniskirt etc. they usualy deserve what comes to them. and i have to stay with what i said earlier, at taco bell, that boys are so intimidated by you because you're gorgeous and intelligent and everything, and that it makes them feel stupid and insecure.


  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, Leslie said…

    i have to edit something. when i said a woman is dumb enough to wear a miniskirt/strappy top etc. i meant that if they think that they can wear that and NOT get attention, then they usually deserve what comes to them. sorry bout that, but i dont know how to go back and change my comment. oh well there u go.



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