Scared. Confused. That's basically it.
As un-eloquent as this sounds, I am SCARED. I don't like Mizzou. Let's face it---I REALLY don't like it. I've realized this after being home for three weeks and not missing it a single bit. I am quite content in my own room with my own bathroom surrounded by my family and friends and everyone that I love. I have no desire to go back to school. I've been struggling this past semester with what I want to major in, and I'm really scared about making the final decision. I've known (or at least, thought I'd known) what I wanted to do since seventh grade. I thought I was lucky. However, now I'm not so sure. The decision made in my 12-year-old brain came from a desire to be glamourous and rich and famous. Now, my 18-year-old brain is not quite sure that that's a solid enough foundation to base a career choice on. Being wealthy would be nice, but it definatley isn't a primary factor. And now that I've questioned that decision, I've realized I don't have to go back to Mizzou. Plenty of schools have amazing education programs. (Can't you just picture me as a high school English teacher? -and cheer coach? heehee) I didn't want to go to Mizzou in the first place--I wanted the journalism school. And now that I don't really want the journalism school, I don't have to have Mizzou. I'm not homesick--I like being on my own. I just don't like my school. However, I don't want to go to another school in another city where I won't know anyone. Also, and I know this isn't a good reason to base a decision on, but oh well--Tim is probalby coming home, and I don't want to be even farther away from him. Let me clarify--I'm NOT moving home for him. It's simply a bonus. Also, I'm scared of being a failure. I'm afraid that if I move home, I will be failing. I'm not sure what, but it would just be something I couldn't do. My family was so proud of me for moving out and being on my own and succeeding in school. If I move home, I think I'd be disappointing them. As for the decision to drop journalism, like I said before, I'm just not sure if it's want I want. When I decided on it in seventh grade, it just sort of stuck. I never really thought about doing anything else. But I've definately grown up since seventh grade. I'm not the same person anymore; I have different dreams and goals. For example, I want to be a mom and a wife and take care of my family. I want to be just as good as my mom is. However, I don't think I could fully commit to that if I'm constantly chasing a story or working on project. Also, journalism isn't as flashy and glamourous as I had thought when I was 12. Not everything is Entertainment Tonight or E! News. It's so...well, newsy. Oh, and another thing, (not that this is a full reason to move home--just another bonus) If I do come back, I could 1. possibly cheer for whatever school I chose and 2. coach at dominic! I could have my very own squad!! I would love that soo much. Ahhh so much to think about. I am going crazy. Any help/advice/tips would be much appreciated. In other news, I love you all very much, and I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year's!!
At 1:09 PM, Anonymous said…
What you are feeling is not that unusual. Most likely, your family loves you and wants you near, so they would be happy to have your back. Any feelings of failure are strictly your own. They just want you to be happy.
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