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** Our World **: 3 Days Until I Leave

** Our World **

Hey!! This is Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, and Leslie. Ummm this is just our new lil space. Read. Enjoy. But if u dont like it, dont blame us, cuz this is OUR blog, remember??

Sunday, August 14, 2005

3 Days Until I Leave

It is hard to explain how completely mixed my feelings are about leaving. On one hand, I don't think that there is anything I would like more than being at home with my friends and family...but on the other hand...I can't bear the thought that I might never be back here again. It's really been great. Really. Sigh.
I have to start packing! Wow is that going to be an adventure. I'm lucky that I'm not flying home, because there is no way all of my stuff would fit into my suitcases...or onto a plane, for that matter. Imagine investing all the stuff you have in the stockmarket...and then the stock doubles overnight...yeah, basically, that is the amount of stuff I need to somehow get back home.
I've finished my exam for journalism...last night, actually, which was more like early this morning...but I've just begun my Shakespeare paper. Heh it's not even half a page long yet, and it needs to be around six pages. I'm not too worried, though. There's still a lot left to write about how Oberon and Titania compare to Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine in James Goldman's The Lion in Winter. I think. Heh, wow. Ich bin ein Dummkopf. For real.
I don't know why I'm so tired. I need a sleep break. I love Harvard.
OMG I can't believe I forgot to say all that stuff about Sheema's bday. Heh, another time. It's not even that interesting, but it was fun.


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