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** Our World **: Where Have All the Anvils Gone?

** Our World **

Hey!! This is Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, and Leslie. Ummm this is just our new lil space. Read. Enjoy. But if u dont like it, dont blame us, cuz this is OUR blog, remember??

Friday, June 17, 2005

Where Have All the Anvils Gone?

I feel invigorated. Free. Completely liberated, once and for all. I feel like the real me; I know exactly who I am and what I'm supposed to be doing. I know my entire worth as a person, and honestly, I think I've always known. This feeling is amazing.
Earlier today, Tony won me a stuffed pig from one of those impossible to beat toy-claw machine (with Sarah's money, lol) and everyone's going to sign it so I can take it to Harvard. I'm so excited!! Less than a week away and there's sooo much to do beforehand...
I hope you have fun at your concert tomorrow, Sarah. Today, technically.
Remember all...the zoo on Saturday and cook out at my house on Tuesday!
I wish Joe Siebelts could come :-/
Lunch with Tony and Sarah and Joe tomorrow!
I sincerely hope that someone (this person knows who she or he is) will stop taking out their extreme bitterness on me. Get over it already. Grow up. Live, let live, that's all I'm asking.
And finally, the daily question...where have all the anvils gone? We used to see them all the time, in cartoons as Wile E. Coyote's preferred method of attempting to kill Roadrunner and in all those shoot-em-up westerns. Once, they were so ubiquitous that people knew that kids would know what they, they are a forgotten entity.
Thank you, L, for that thought to ponder.
LOL. Summer rules.
Well, I'm off to go read before bed.
Reading is sexy.
Yes, I do have a shirt that says that.
Backstreet Boys suck, N*Sync forever!


  • At 9:50 AM, Blogger Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, Leslie said…

    Basically, I know we're not together because I've grown up too fast and I don't have time to wait for you to catch up. We were on the same mental level when I was fourteen and you were sixteen. Now, I'm seventeen and you're nineteen, and I've grown past that level, able to see our differences and realize that I'm meant to do bigger things than date a guy who gives a lot of advice that sounds really good, what with all the flowery language and such, but doesn't really mean anything.

    And John? I know that your family and friends would say something like that to you to make you feel better, but outside your sphere of safety...there's not exactly room for comparison, is there?

    These are my new qualities - deadly honesty, clarity of thought, and finally, a realization that the phrase "life's too short for modesty" is right on the money.

    There's no need for you to detail your new qualities. I've watched them develop over the past nine months, and I know EXACTLY what they are.


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