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** Our World **: Bad Day, Bad Day

** Our World **

Hey!! This is Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, and Leslie. Ummm this is just our new lil space. Read. Enjoy. But if u dont like it, dont blame us, cuz this is OUR blog, remember??

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Bad Day, Bad Day

There is very little that could have happened that could have made this day worse. I was in a horrible mood for most of the day, the product of former worries and stupid things that just had to go wrong all at the same time. Puh!
I don't really want to focus on that, though. I could go on and on about the pointlessness of Student Council, and about how the only thing that pre-cal class is good for is catching up on one's reading: but I won't. Not today.
I am immensely excited about the pro-life trip...two more days! I really wish that Sarah could go...and I hope that Lindsay gets better soon, we've missed her at school.
Started working on my application some.'s still so...daunting. Mrs. Potthast told me to take my time, though, and I think that she'll help me some, but we shall see. I will tell everyone what I'm talking about whenever I find out if I got in or not. We shall see.
I haven't blogged much lately at all, and when I have, it's been as dull as this entry is. Puh. As I go through the day, I find myself writing blogs in my head, but I never write the beginning part down, which is stupid, because then I would be able to jog my memory with something that I actually wanted to write. Too bad my head is feeling amazingly heavy right now.
Death of cheerleading tomorrow morning. 6:45. At least we got it changed from 6:30. And for those of you who think that 15 extra minutes of sleep isn't a big difference, well...think of the merit that comes from eating 15 extra M&Ms, or from watching Grease 15 extra times. Mind-boggling.
Today's Gilmorism:
LORELAI: Oh, is this everyone from the Edgar Allen Poe Society?
MICHEL: If you mean the I-should-be-sterilized-so-that-my-disturbing-idiosyncrasies-aren't-passed-onto-the-next-generation society, then yes, that's them.
LORELAI: [to guests checking in] Hi, welcome to the Independence Inn.
MR. HATLESTAD: Thank you. We're Jim and Milly Hatlestad.
LORELAI: Okay, I've got you right here. Well, once again, welcome, and let me assure you there are no human body parts buried in the floor of your room to keep you awake tonight. Sound good?
LORELAI: Room 8.
[The Hatlestads walk away]
LORELAI: The Tell-Tale Heart. That's a Poe story. Did they not get that?
MICHEL: The Hatlestads are not with the Poe Society


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