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** Our World **: Um...maybe new car?

** Our World **

Hey!! This is Natalie, Lindsay, Sarah, and Leslie. Ummm this is just our new lil space. Read. Enjoy. But if u dont like it, dont blame us, cuz this is OUR blog, remember??

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Um...maybe new car?

Well on friday night my mom came home (after her day of golfing hahaha) and told me that her friend was going to sell her red 2002 Grand Am. And my Mom said I could maybe get it if I saved up some of my money, but see I couldnt get it anyways until January. Heh, but I'm willing to wait for it!! And I'm excited for Sarah! I want to see her new car!!!! I think maybe she is supposed to come over tonight? eh, we'll see!!! I got to call her, heh, I need to remember that! Um... well yesterday was a crappy day all together, until Tim and then Joe and Jo Ro came over. Tim came over early, and brought me Bread Co. Heh, except stupid Bread Co. gave me the wrong thing. So that was sad, but amusing. So me and Tim were babysitting my little brother and sister, cause my parents went to a wedding reception. And while kellen and camille were watching a movie, me and tim had a water fight. Heh it was fun. I won!!!!!! And today, is homework day for moi. So thats what I will be doing while my family goes out to the st. louis air show. So yay, for me!! Maybe Natalie and Sarah will come over tonight, meh, i dont know. And Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm not quite sure what to think of that yet. I'm excited because I will be 16, but my birthdays always turn out to be the worst days ever. So I dont know. Maybe I'll do homework!! Woo hoo!!! Always makes the day!!! This is just the real world and I'm growing up. Life is tough and it's crooked, but it's pretty fantastic. -Brad Pitt ~Lindsay~


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