Dog Toys and Balls (just balls, not dog balls)
joe lindsay and james just left. (they understand the title...haha) they came over about 8:30. we went to snobiz. it was yummy. wow i am the queen of really simple sentences. haha.
anyway. i worked today from 8-4. it was a long day. but my mom brought me chester fried chicken for lunch and it was good. =) i worked cosmetics, which wasnt too bad. incredibly boring at times, but once i started stocking things and had something to do, it went by faster. and i bought some stuff, which is even cooler. (with my 15% employee discount of course. heehee) and after work i did some homework, talked to dana for an hour and a half, and lindsay called around 8 telling me she's sorry i didnt get called earlier, joe was supposed to but he didnt. or something like that, hell i dunno. so they came over and now here i am. and im trying to write my lit essay, my definition of swimming as life. i have sooo many ideas, i just cant seem to figure out how to put them logically onto paper. grrr. the notes are all on my page in my notebook that i dedicated to the essay, but they cant seem to find their way from that notebook page through my brain and onto the computer. meh. so yea. alright not too much else to say. my aunt uncle and 2 cousins are coming tomorrow. that should be fun. ill write tomorrow after work. (4-10:30. ahhhhh.)
quote...this is from my mess of notes on my essay...
flip turn- a tunr over in events, something happens that throws you back in the other direction, and yet you're still moving forward toward the finish.
nighty night
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