PMS Makes Me Clean
First off, I would like to say that it has been a LONG time since I have logged into this website. WOW. I tried to about 3 months ago, but for some reason it would not let me. But it did today. Yay.
Second, Natalie, I miss you soo much too. I wish you could come to some of my classes; they have 500+ people. It is utterly ridiculous. I keep thinking I see people I know, and then as I get closer to them I realize it's not who I thought it was. It's kind of depressing, actually. And today Kristen (my roommate) told me that Rob told her that a new girl from Dominic moved in to Stafford (my dorm) and her name was Natalie. I freaked out because at first I thought it was you. And then two seconds later I came back to reality and remember that you were millions of miles (well it seems like that many) away in amazing NYC. But I miss you (and Lindsay and Leslie and Joe and Joe and Sean and everyone who is far far away from me.) I am still not used to seeing everyone. I went to Truman last weekend, and it was the weirdest feeling ever, knowing I had to drive over an hour just to see two people I used to be able to see in fifteen minutes. Hey remember that time when everyone was really far away and I felt extrememly disconnected from them? Oh wait...that's right now. ;) just thought I'd throw that in there.
As for my title, let me explain. I've come to realize that when I PMS I go crazy OCD (well, more than normal) about cleaning and organizing and such. I went nuts on my desk and rearranged everything. I re-made my bed with new sheets and set aside the dirty ones with dirty towls and detergent so I can wash them tomorrow. I organized my drawer with my jeans and sweat pants, putting them in neat, orderly piles according to size/material/how often I wear them. And I brushed all the hair out of my carpet and threw it away. (Okay, I realize that is disgusting, but it had to be done, and my PMS/OCD made me do it.) Plus, it was during it that I remember the blog. (How they're related, I have no idea. Ahh the craziness of stream of consciousness...) Anyway, I remembered the blog and remembered how we said we would reincarnated it in order to keep in touch during school. So I figured I'd attempt to log-in and see what's been happening in the wonderful world of Natalie. TaDa! it worked! Yay! I vote we keep it going. We need to keep in touch, and this is definately a much better, more personal method than facebook or myspace.
Well, I'd better get going. I am absolutely exhausted, and I have a 9 a.m. class. Hurray for college. Meh. But, on a brighter note, I Love Natalie! heehee. I want to hear all about NYC and everything wonderful.
Good Night.
P.S. I just realized my title could be interpreted several ways...oh well. I don't feel like changing it. But FYI--I meant "clean" as a verb, not an adjective (i had said noun, and now I realize I am an idot. oh well)
P.P.S. How do you change the font color? I couldn't find it...I wanted it to be red, like old times...
P.P.P.S. This was supposed to have several paragraphs...If it publishes in a large giant one, I apologize. How do you make a new paragraph?
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